New Day, new things to see.
Our first walk an Tuesday brought us to the Landakotskirkja:
Around the Corner, we than took a walk at the old Hólavallagarður cemetery:
(This tulps represent a “view” at our condition during our whole Iceland trip – Sometimes heads up – often “hang-over” 🙂 )
As we left the cemetery, we saw GM Stinger on the overview with a fleet, and reacted on the advert, to join their roam 🙂 So we escorted one capsuleer to the City Hotel and then went back, to get to the CCP Office:
After lunch at a fish-restaurant in the harbor (all you can eat buffet – and a very good fish-soup 🙂 ) we had a short look at the harbor, to see a (rusty) Minmatar-Ship there:
Restocking at the supermarket and drinking some coffee at Polaris (shared flat of some CCP employees – these nerds had so much nice EVE related posters and so on there 🙂 ) we started again to go downtown, ready to get drunk again in the islenski bar.
Back in the hostel, many capsuleers sat around in the lobby – And we started to engange with Captain-Coke, Coke-Captain and Brennivin (And finally many of that capsuleers got owned by the captain 🙂 )